Services you can receive in your home, at NRCIL offices or anywhere else they might make sense in the community. NRCIL can provide some of these services and can work with you to see if you are eligible for additional services.

Services available through NRCIL include:

Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR):
This service assists individuals in overcoming barriers associated with behavioral health conditions.  Topics covered could include: learning to manage stress, interacting with healthcare professionals at medical appointments, developing social skills, and personal grooming, finance, or other independent living areas.  This service can be done in a group setting or one-on-one.

This service helps individuals learn or improve skills such as communication, socialization, improving relationships, or using resources to better live within the community.  Topics covered could include:  Using community resources, becoming more financially stable, or increasing social opportunities. This service is done one-on-one.

Family Support and Training (FST): 
This service is to help families develop skills and understanding of individuals’ diagnoses so they can better assist you in wellness and crisis avoidance or management.  Trainings may include:  understanding treatment, recovery support, medication education, communication.  These services can be done in groups or one-on-one, depending on the service.  Family is defined for this service as people who live with, or provide care to a person with a HARP.  This could be parents, spouses, significant others, children, other relatives, foster family, or in-laws. 

Prevocational Services:
This service prepares individuals for volunteer or paid work experiences.  Individuals work on developing skills such as communication, time-management, managing personal finances, job-specific skills such as computer skills, office equipment experience such as telephones, fax machines, or copy machines.  For individuals with substance use disorders, learning to interact without the use of drugs in the workplace would be a skill learned in this setting.  This service is usually delivered at a program site, but may also be delivered in work locations where individuals may gain work-related experience.  This service is delivered one-on-one.

Ongoing Supported Employment (OSE): 
This service assists individuals who have achieved employment to maintain or advance at employment.  Individuals will work on skills needed to improve communication, self-advocacy, and how to develop positive working relationships with co-workers, managers, trainers, and supervisors.  Other skills addressed could include:  time management, understanding roles and expectations, accessing workplace supports, and job training for career advancement. This service is delivered one-on-one, usually at the work site.

Empowerment Services – Peer Supports:
This service is delivered by peers.  Peers are individuals with lived experience.  They have walked the walk, and talked the talk.”  Nearly all the services described above can be done with and by a peer who can mentor, coach, and guide an individual throughout the process.   Peers provide advocacy, outreach and engagement, self-help tools, recovery, transition and pre-crisis and crisis supports.  This service is delivered one-on-one.

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